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Unlocking the Power of Experiential Marketing through Magic and Illusion

In the world of marketing, leaving an indelible mark on your audience’s memory is the ultimate goal. Brands yearn for their key messages to be etched in the minds of consumers. The challenge lies in finding a vehicle that not only grabs attention but also creates a sense of amazement and wonder, making the messages far more memorable. Magic and illusion offer precisely this transformative power.

Magic and Illusion: Captivating Audiences, Amplifying Messages

Levitating commuter

Imagine a commuter’s astonishment witnessing levitation in the midst of their daily routine at a bustling train station. This is precisely what we achieved for Nestle’s breakfast cereal division at Waterloo train station. Nestle’s campaign message, “Have you had your cereal lift?“, was tied to this magical spectacle. As commuters were entranced by the illusion, they were offered free samples of Nestle’s cereal range, promoting the campaign’s essence. The magic was captured on film and swiftly gained 1.5 million views across social media in just three days, illustrating the magnetic draw of magic as a marketing tool.

In another instance, we collaborated with Walkers Crisps to weave a captivating sequence of illusions into their brand narrative. These illusions, strategically aligned with Walkers Crisps, were performed as the marketing team gave away free samples of crisps. The element of surprise and entertainment stopped people in their tracks, effectively promoting the brand in an engaging and entertaining manner.

Walkers crisps mystery box

Experiential Marketing: Making Magic Memories

Magic and illusions have a unique ability to enhance experiential marketing activities. By creating astonishing moments, brands can imprint their messages more profoundly in the minds of their audience. Experiential marketing is about creating an experience, and magic seamlessly integrates into this realm, making the experience not just memorable but magical.

Elevate Your Brand with Experiential Marketing Magic

When it comes to experiential marketing, magic and illusion are unparalleled tools that can captivate, inspire, and leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s a commuter’s amazement at levitation or an unexpected illusion tying into a brand story, magic has the power to transform marketing into an unforgettable experience.

At Sean Alexander Productions, we specialise in crafting magical experiences that bring your brand to life. Contact us to explore how magic and illusion can elevate your experiential marketing initiatives, ensuring your brand stands out and remains etched in the memories of your audience.

Want to read more about marketing magic and utilising magic and illusion in your experiential marketing campaigns ?  Go here

Looking to launch a product in an incredibly powerful and memorable way?  Go here

Rave Reviews:

Piers Morgan - Broadcaster

“One of the best magic acts we’ve seen”

City Times-Dubai

“On a par with the best that David Blaine could offer”

Stephen Mulhern - Television Presenter

“You’ve got a great show Sean”

ITC Secure Networking

“We LOVE Sean”

DAF Trucks

“There is no question whatsoever that the high quality and mesmerising entertainment you provided added considerable value to the whole experience”

Jacksons Car Dealership

“Spellbinding, one of the great showmen of our time”

Event Gems Logistics

“The show was amazing; a truly brilliant and magical performance”

Peel Hunt LLP

“A terrific act”


“No other illusionist will do – we’ve found the best!”

Howes Percival

“I simply can’t define: very impressive!”


“How did you do that?”

Mr A Kline - Private Client

“I am not the easiest person to please – but please us you did – and in spades”

Mr Davis - Private Client

“A great man and a very enjoyable time for everybody”

Mr D Ruparelia - Private Client

“You were the talking point of the weekend”

Mrs L Mills - Private Client

“You are a great asset to any event big or small”


“You have made our event, everyone is talking about it”

Amanda Holden - TV Personality

“How on earth?”

Julianne Hough - TV Personality

“I love your message, I love your purpose, beautiful”

Cher Lloyd - X Factor Star

“That was crazy, Incredible”

HRH Princess Michael of Kent

“You are incredible, I will have you attend the palace”

Gabrielle Union - TV Personality

“When you experience miracles up close you know they exist. Thank you”

Howie Mandell - TV Personality

“That makes you unique, that makes you loveable and that makes you a winner”